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If you own or manage a website, you probably know that Google Analytics is a valuable tool to understand your audience and their behavior. If you have been using it for several years, then you are probably aware of some big changes coming to the platform. The G4 Analytics update will help businesses to save time and improve their analytics practices by providing new reports and tying tracking data to their Google accounts.

What is the G4 Analytics Update?

The G4 Analytics update is a new way to view your Google Analytics data. It will provide new reports, such as “Ads & Impressions” and “Custom Dimensions.”

The purpose of this update is to help you get more out of your analytics data by providing additional information on users who visit your site, what they’re interested in and how they interact with it.

G4 Analytics is an update to Google Analytics that will help you to do the following:

  • Provide new reports, such as “Ads & Impressions” and “Custom Dimensions.”
  • Tie your data to your Google account. You’ll be able to see how each user interacts with all of the sites in their profile, not just one particular property. This can help you identify which users are most valuable for marketing purposes, so that you can target them specifically with ads or other promotions.
  • Help you gain greater insights into how visitors interact with your site’s content by showing them what they viewed most often during their visit (or since they last visited), which pages were viewed together frequently (i.e., what groups of content might work well together?), etcetera!

G4 Analytics will provide new reports, such as “Ads & Impressions” and “Custom Dimensions.”

These new reports will help you to better understand your data, making it easier to use. They are also more accurate than the old reports in some cases, allowing you to get more value out of your digital marketing efforts.

Your tracking data will also be tied to your Google account.

This means that any changes made to your property or account will be applied throughout all devices immediately. In addition, you can access your Analytics data from any device with a web browser by signing in with the same username and password as for other Google services (e.g., Gmail).

This is a big improvement over the current system, where it’s difficult–if not impossible–to manage multiple properties under one account without making changes manually on each property’s settings page.

The Google Analytics G4 updates are important for marketers and businesses looking to improve their analytics practices.

The update will affect all Google Analytics accounts, and is expected to be rolled out in the next few weeks. The new features include:

  • Enhanced Audience Segments – This feature allows you to create custom audiences based on user behaviors like device type or time spent on site, which can then be used as segments in reporting.
  • Enhanced Custom Dimensions – You can now create up to 100 custom dimensions per property (up from 50), each with its own label and value pair options for more granular data collection about your website visitors’ interests or purchasing preferences.


The Google Analytics G4 updates are important for marketers and businesses looking to improve their analytics practices. The new reports and features will help you get more out of your data, which means that you can make better decisions about your marketing campaigns and online strategy.