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If you’re looking for SEO best practices in 2023, this is the article for you. As an SEO expert, I’ll tell you everything from how to create a website that’s interesting and useful to the technical details of on-page SEO. First though, let’s take a step back and look at why it matters what kind of content Google sees on your site.

Create an interesting, useful, and valuable website.

When creating a site, make sure it’s interesting, useful and valuable. Create an experience that users will enjoy and want to return to again and again.

Make sure you’re focused on the user experience (UX). Make sure your site is easy to navigate and use so people can find what they need quickly with minimal effort.

And finally, ensure that your site loads fast enough so visitors don’t get frustrated or leave before they find what they need from you!

Think of your site as a space to help people find what they’re looking for.

SEO is about providing value to users. It’s about helping them find what they’re looking for, whether that’s a product or service, information on a topic, or even just an entertaining distraction.

It’s also important to remember that SEO isn’t just about search engines–it’s also about creating a good user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX). The goal of any website should be to provide value to visitors in whatever way possible–whether they’re coming from Google or not!

Make sure that you’re doing everything on-page properly.

  • Make sure that your content is useful and interesting.
  • Make sure that the page is easy to read.
  • Make sure that the page is easy to navigate.
  • Make sure that the page loads quickly, especially on mobile devices.
  • Make sure you’re using structured data tags in order for search engines to understand what each piece of content on your website represents (such as reviews or events). This will help them index it properly so it appears in searches for those terms, which will increase traffic from organic sources!

Use canonical URLs to avoid duplicate content issues.

Canonical URLs, or canonical tags, are a method of telling search engines which version of a page is the original. This can be useful for SEO because it helps you avoid duplicate content issues.

If you have two different versions of an article on your website (for example: one version in English and another in Spanish), you need to tell Google which one is the “real” version so they know which one should rank higher than the other when someone searches for that term.

The easiest way to do this is by using rel=”canonical” tags in each language’s HTML code–which tells Google that only one page should be indexed and displayed as ranking results in its SERPs (search engine results pages).

Use keywords in the title tag and meta description.

The title tag and meta description are both visible in search results. The title tag is the blue text that appears above the fold, while your meta description is displayed below it. Since they’re both so visible to users, it’s important that you use keywords that are relevant to your page content (and not just random terms).

You should also keep in mind that Google has started testing out a new format for these snippets: namely, showing two different ones depending on whether or not there are any images included with the page. So if possible, try adding an image or two so that both versions will show up!

Make sure that you’re using a reliable hosting company (or host yourself).

You’ve found a great hosting provider, but what else do you need to make sure of?

  • Make sure your host is reliable. The most important thing is that your website stays up and running 24/7 without any downtime at all. If it goes down for even a few minutes, people will lose trust in the brand and leave for good! So make sure your host has good uptime (the amount of time that servers are online) and high availability (the number of sites they can support at once).
  • A secure host means no one can hack into or infiltrate your site through malware or viruses–and protects against malicious attacks like DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks which overloads websites with too much traffic so they crash altogether! Hosting companies should already have safeguards in place against these threats; however if yours doesn’t offer these services yet then consider switching providers ASAP because this could lead to potential lawsuits down the road due to lost revenue due directly related issues such as these mentioned above not being addressed properly by those responsible enough since there weren’t any measures put into place beforehand before launching publicly online which would’ve been easy enough had proper steps been taken beforehand during development stages instead…

Ensure that your pages load quickly.

  • Ensure that your pages load quickly.
  • When a user loads a page, they want to see the content as quickly as possible. The longer it takes for them to access the information they need or want, the more likely they are going to leave your site and go somewhere else. This can be especially detrimental if the user’s goal was to purchase something from your site–the longer it takes them to get through checkout, the less likely they’ll complete their order in full (or at all).
  • How do you test page speed? There are many tools out there that can help with this task; here are two of our favorites: GTmetrix and Pingdom Tools both offer free testing services so you can see how well-optimized your site is for performance before investing time or money into improving load times further down the line!

Create a sitemap to help Google know what pages are on your site.

A sitemap is a file that lists the URLs of all your webpages. It’s like an index for Google and other search engines, so they can easily find all the pages on your site.

A sitemap also helps you discover new content that needs to be updated or added to your website. You can use it to see if any pages are missing or broken links need fixing–and this could help boost SEO efforts in the future!

Do these things to keep up with SEO best practices in 2023

  • Create a sitemap

A sitemap is an XML file that lists all the pages on your site and their respective URLs, as well as other important information like redirects and pagination URLs. You can create one using any HTML editor or even Google’s own tool, but it’s best to use a dedicated XML sitemap generator so you don’t have to worry about formatting errors or making sure everything is accurate–a lot of these tools will even automatically submit your site’s new version when it’s completed!

  • Use canonical URLs in place of duplicate content

The canonical URL tag allows you to specify which page should be considered the “official” version of another page when multiple versions exist (for example, if someone has linked directly from one section on their website into another). This means that search engines like Bing and Google won’t index both versions separately–instead they’ll just show whichever URL has been specified as being preferred over all others!


We hope this guide has helped you understand what SEO best practices are in 2023 and how to implement them on your site. If you’re looking for more information on SEO, check out our other guides on the topic!