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Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience and growing trend that is finding its place as a useful marketing tool. When executed correctly, AR applications in online settings can positively affect customer engagement, behavior, and sales. Marketers must have a proper understanding of how AR can help their brand before they invest in the technology.

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience that combines the real world and computer-generated content. It is the merging of real and virtual worlds. AR can be used in marketing to add value to a product or service, as well as entertainment, education, and communication. It’s also widely used on social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat.

Augmented reality allows you to interact with media by adding new elements into it–like videos or photos that react when you look at them through your phone camera lens–and then sharing them online with friends through social media channels like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp (which owns Instagram).

How does augmented reality work?

Augmented reality, or AR, is a technology that uses the real world as its background and overlays digital elements onto it. It’s most commonly used in mobile apps like Snapchat and Pokémon Go but can be applied to other mediums as well. There are two main types:

  • Mixed Reality (MR)
  • Virtual Reality (VR)

Why should marketers care about AR?

  • Augmented reality (AR) is a new way to engage with customers.
  • It can be used to create a memorable experience for customers.
  • It can be used to create a more immersive experience, where the customer feels like they’re actually in your store or brand environment and not just looking at an image on their phone screen.
  • And finally, AR allows marketers to create interactive experiences that engage consumers on an emotional level by allowing them to interact with products in ways they never could before–through touch, motion and sound!

How can you integrate AR into your marketing?

How can you integrate AR into your marketing?

  • Use AR to give customers a better experience.
  • Use AR to solve a problem.
  • Make your brand more memorable by giving people something they’ll want to share with their friends and family, like a game or contest that requires them to take photos with the product in it and post it online for everyone else’s enjoyment (or embarrassment).
  • Make yourself more human by showing off who works at the company, what they look like and what their personalities are like through video interviews or behind-the-scenes footage from events such as conferences or trade shows where people might not otherwise get an opportunity meet them face-to-face but would still love getting some insight into who these individuals really are as individuals outside of just being another name on an email list somewhere in cyberspace.”

Augmented reality is a growing trend that could be used in marketing.

Augmented reality (AR) is the use of technology to overlay digital information on top of the real world, creating a composite view. It’s been used to promote products and services, such as the Pokemon Go game, which overlays creatures onto your phone’s camera viewfinder so you can catch them with your finger motions–and even trade them with others.

The technology has also been used for more serious purposes as well; for example, augmented reality was used at last year’s Super Bowl halftime show to highlight social issues including racism and police brutality by displaying messages on stage during Katy Perry’s performance of “Roar.”


It’s important to keep in mind that AR isn’t just a tool for brands, but also for consumers who want more interactive experiences with their favorite products. As technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, we expect there will be even more opportunities for marketers looking to use AR as part of their strategy or campaign!